Tribe Resources


Tribe Help & Support

As a member of our Tribe, we are always there for you.
We are just one call away for more information on a product, guidance with your skincare routine, or any assistance.

BWG Botany

Tribe FAQs

As skincare experts, we can help and guide you with any query you may have. See our frequently asked questions here; perhaps they’ll give you the answers you’ve sought.


Tribe Education

Knowledge is power. Stay informed and become empowered with the information and mastery we offer in our webinars and selfcare study sessions. Enhancing your knowledge of our products and so much more.


Tribe Events

Giving you access to a wide variety of events hosted and arranged by BWG Botanics. We also offer Tribe Meets, Selfcare Soirees and so much more. Our events are sure to keep you informed, entertained and loving life.